Read more: What’s left of identity after domination?
, 6–8pm
What’s left of identity after domination?
- Seminars
Read more: A view on to the street: a short history of community research, oral history and local publishing, with Ken Worpole
, 2–3:30pm
A view on to the street: a short history of community research, oral history and local publishing, with Ken Worpole
- Seminars
Read more: Lan Gwuhj Geimz, seminar #2: Broadcasting and Status
, 2–5pm
Lan Gwuhj Geimz, seminar #2: Broadcasting and Status
- Seminars
Read more: Lan Gwuhj Geimz, seminar #1: Performativity, Emotions and the Internet
, 2–5pm
Lan Gwuhj Geimz, seminar #1: Performativity, Emotions and the Internet
- Seminars
Read more: Lan Gwuhj Geimz, seminar #3: Interruptions and The Attention Economy
, 2–5pm
Lan Gwuhj Geimz, seminar #3: Interruptions and The Attention Economy
- Public event
- Seminars
- Workshops
Read more: Roundtable on Intersectionality: Maria Drakopoulou, Iain MacKenzie, Connal Parsely
, 6:30–8:30pm
Roundtable on Intersectionality: Maria Drakopoulou, Iain MacKenzie, Connal Parsely
- Seminars
Read more: Cognitive Capitalism and Immaterial Labour: Connal Parsley
, 6:30–8:30pm
Cognitive Capitalism and Immaterial Labour: Connal Parsley
- Seminars
Read more: New Materialisms and Gender: Maria Drakopoulou
, 6:30–8:30pm
New Materialisms and Gender: Maria Drakopoulou
- Seminars
Read more: Introducing New Materialisms: Iain MacKenzie
, 6:30–8:30pm
Introducing New Materialisms: Iain MacKenzie
- Seminars
Read more: From Institutional Critique to Changing the Refrain: Anna Cutler
, 6:30–8:30pm
From Institutional Critique to Changing the Refrain: Anna Cutler
- Seminars
Read more: Artists and Institutional Critique: Connal Parsley
– , 6:30–8:30pm
Artists and Institutional Critique: Connal Parsley
- Seminars