Thoughts on a Book
Thoughts on a Book: A conversation between architects Trix + Robert Haussmann and curators Fredi Fischli and Niels Olsen (Studiolo)
As part of The Most Beautiful Swiss Books exhibition
The Most Beautiful Swiss Books competition was established to promote and reward top-quality book design in Switzerland. It was established in 1943 by the typographer and designer Jan Tschichold. The awarded books form an exhibition that travels to various cities around the world and which will be shown for one night at Open School East. Since 2011, the graphic design studio
Kellenberger–White have curated the annual UK showcase of the Most Beautiful Swiss Books winners. This year’s event will feature Swiss architects Trix and Robert Haussmann in conversation with Fredi Fischli and Niels Olsen (Studiolo), discussing their works and the making of their book published by Studiolo and Edition Patrick Frey, 2012.
Trix and Robert Haussmann are two of the most important architects, designers and theoreticians, consequential in influencing and helping to displace classical modernism in Switzerland. They have realised about 650 projects in their lifetime; in Zurich these include the Da-Capo-Bar, the new main train station, the boutique Weinberg and the Kronenhallenbar. The year 1967 marks their marriage and the establishment of their joint office Allgemeine Entwurfsanstalt. It is also the year they began working together, a collaboration which has brought forth works breaking with the dogmas of entrenched architectural practices. In addition to designing buildings and furniture, they have developed a rich theoretical œuvre that is presented for the first time in this publication.
This book will form the basis for any future assessment of their work.