Haystack 09. Care and crisis: ethical economies in subsistence practices
Architect and researcher Kim Trogal is going to explore some questions around the emotional and ethical aspects of our economies. Whilst it might sound strange to speak of the relation of money and feelings, the economic aspects of our lives structure our relations (and spaces) in ways that are often not perceptible. Via an abridged history of the English commons, mutual aid in a rural German village and some of the subsistence practices of Romanian women, Kim Trogal suggests that to be resilient again today, we need to (re)embed our economies in our everyday lives.
Kim Trogal is a teacher at the Sheffield School of Architecture. Her PhD research, Caring For Space focused particularly on new, ethical spatial practices using feminist methods and concepts. She is currently working with Irena Bauman and Doina Petrescu, developing a new research platform in the school of architecture in Sheffield, on local resilience.
The talk takes place as part of the Haystacks series, monthly informal events to talk about rural links and realities, organised by Kathrin Böhm.
Free, no booking required.