Dit learn with Laure Prouvost

Portrait of artist Laure Prouvost by Gene Pittman, June 14, 2017.

In this online talk and workshop with Laure Prouvost we will re-learn, *dit learn, and de-learn together. We will explore the pixels of Laure’s world while questioning topics of installation, video and film, and how these mediums have unravelled within the French Pavillion in Venice. 

Participants will have the opportunity to make work independently throughout the day and explore subjects such as how Prouvost approaches language, distortion and narrative layering, their blending of reality and fiction within film and video, and their processes of transforming a work from its initial concept into final installation.

Dit learn is the title of one of Laure’s video works about learning and language. ‘Dit’ means ‘said’ in French.


11am-12.30pm – Intro / Artist presentation discussion and make work
12.30-1.30pm – Lunch break
1.30-3.30pm – Discussion of independent work

This workshop will take place via Zoom and has limited spaces. You must book a place via Eventbrite to receive the Zoom link and password.
If you book a place and can no longer attend the session, please let us know as early as possible so we can offer the place to someone else.

About the artist

Laure Prouvost (b.1967, Lieumeconu, France). Here is a long list of museums and institutions: a line, interesting things, a coma, a line, a list of residencies and prizes. A Selection of solo projects including: a Deep See Blue Surrounding You in Venice, a New Museum for Grand dad in Milano, A tearoom for grand ma in Derry, a karaoke room in Brussels, a Prize for Turner, new octopus ink vodka bar for Gregor in Rotterdam, a lobby for love among the artists in the Hague… tea bags, and wet floors and clementines.
website: www.laureprouvost.com
Instagram: @studioprouvostsocialclub