Capitalist Artist Scum #1


You are invited to Open School East for an event featuring presentations from a number of artists, including OSE associates, on projects that create alternative structures for the making and distribution of art or are embedded within non-art industries.

Presentations will be followed by an open discussion that will explore: the diminishing distinction between profit and not-for-profit galleries; appropriating spaces of consumerism and capital; whether reinstrumentalising can work as a tactic for resistance; and if these art practices are born from economic necessity or represent an emerging art practice?

As well as considering the politics and aesthetics of such projects, notionsof parody, critique and attack will be called into question.

We will work towards mapping the conditions of possibility for artists living and working within advanced capitalism, and how we might situate ourselves and our work in relation to the current political and economic climate. As this is obviously trying to cover a lot of complicated ground, this event will function as an introduction and research evening for two further events revolving around these issues, and stemming from this initial discussion.

There will be presentations from DKUK, Alexander James Pollard, Leslie Kulesh, Laura Yuile and Kristin Luke for The Air Inn Venice as well as a reading by Mathis Collins. This will be followed by an open discussion chaired by Helena Reckitt.